Monday, June 25, 2012

Illusion wishes……..

I wish:

Last cry of my heart could answer the final question of my life.
I could ask the last tear why it dropped wittily
The inner beauties I use to enjoy could come back from the far gone moments. 
The trust I have before could turn its faith to where it was before,
What was not understood before could twist to an understandable moment
Stiffness of the memories could get rip from the etched mind.
I could swing with my emotion when it touches the fragility of my weakness
I could steal the tricks of impressing the contentment of my heart
The sensibility of my mind could console itself to be the brawniest
My bestowed heart could impede itself from the disloyal believe.
I could back the love I have given to its bliss,
I could bring in the joyful jiffy or moment ever had in the world.
I could love best among the rest of the bests
I, mine and my could liberate from its cocooned egoism
1 could spark a light upon life and  pray let none endure all above!!!

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